Members and Partners

Ministry Minister Focal point
Antigua and Barbuda - Ministry of Legal Affairs, Public Safety and Labour
Steadroy Benjamin
Eltonia Rojas, Labour Commissioner
Argentina - Ministry of Human Capital, Secretariat for Labor, Employment, and Social Security
Sandra Pettovello
Julio Cordero, Secretary of Labor, Employment and Social Security
Gerardo Corres, Director of International Affairs
Bahamas - Ministry of Labour and the Public Service
Pia Takita Glover-Rolle
Vonchelle Etienne, Administrative Cadet
Barbados - Ministry of Labour, Social Security and the Third Sector
Colin Jordan
Ms. Marva Howell, Permanent Secretary
Belize - Ministry of Labor, Local Government and Rural Development
Hon. Oscar Requena
Valentino Shal, Chief Executive Officer
Bolivia - Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Welfare
Erland Rodríguez Lafuente
Lesly Carolaine Mejia Morales, Head of International Relations
Brazil - Ministry of Labor and Employment
Luiz Marinho
Maíra Lacerda, Head (Ag), Coordination of International Relations
Durval Aires de Menezes Neto, Coordination of International Relations
Canada - Ministry of Labour
Steven MacKinnon
Sylvain Laberge, Director, Multilateral Labour Affairs, Employment and Social Development Canada
Chile - Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare
Jeannette Jara Román
Marcelo Nikolai Tapia Valenzuela, Chief, Office of International Affairs
Colombia - Ministry of Labor
Gloria Inés Ramírez Ríos
Isabel Agatón Santander, Head of the Office of Cooperation and International Relations
Costa Rica - Ministry of Labor and Social Security
Andrés Romero Rodríguez
Marisol Bolaños, Chief (Ag) Labor International Affairs
Ana Lucía Blanco, Labor International Affairs Advisor
Dominica - Ministry of Justice, Immigration and National Security
Miriam Blanchard
Gloria Joseph, Permanent Secretary
Dominican Republic - Ministry of Labor
Luis Miguel de Camps
Sarah Pimentel
Director of International Relations
Ecuador - Ministry of Labor
Ivonne Núñez
Teresa Achi Dávila, Director of Cooperation and International Relations
El Salvador - Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare
Oscar Rolando Castro
Carlos Alberto Peña, Director of International Labor Relations
Grenada - Ministry of Legal Affairs, Labour and Consumer Affairs
Claudette Joseph
Rhonda Jones, Permanent Secretary (Ag.)
Sparkle Grenade Courtney, Labour Commissioner
Guatemala - Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare
Miriam Catarina Roquel Chávez
Alma Leticia Maldonado Mérida, Chief, Unit of Planning and Cooperation
Guyana - Ministry of Labour
Joseph Hamilton
Dhaneshwar Deonarine, Chief Labour Officer
Haiti - Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor
Georges Wilbert Franck
André Ibréus, Assistant Director of Labor
Honduras - Secretary of Labor and Social Security
Wilmer Javier Fernández Alachan
To be Confirmed
Jamaica - Ministry of Labour and Social Security
Pearnel Charles Jr.
Collette Roberts Risden, Permanent Secretary
Gillian Corrodus, Divisional Director of Industrial Relations & Allied Services
Mexico - Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare
Marath Baruch Bolaños López
Gabriel Alejandro Tamariz Sánchez, Head of the Labor Policy and Institutional Relations Unit
Panama - Ministry of Labor and Workforce Development
Jackeline Muñoz de Cedeño
Jackeline P. Flórez Pérez, Director of Technical International Cooperation
Paraguay - Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security
Mónica Recalde De Giacomi
Joryan Rossati, General Director of Planning and Agreements and Focal Point of International Area
Peru - Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion
Daniel Ysau Maurate Romero
Paola Diana Reyes Parra, Chief of the General Office for Cooperation and International Affairs
St. Kitts and Nevis - Ministry of of Tourism, Civil Aviation, International Transport, Employment & Labour and Urban Development
Marsha T. Henderson
Shernel C. James, Labour Commissioner
St. Lucia - Ministry for the Public Service, Home Affairs, Labour and Gender Affairs
Dr. Virginia Albert-Poyotte
Liota Charlemagne, Deputy Permanent Secretary
St. Vincent and the Grenadines - Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Rural Transformation, Industry & Labour.
Saboto Caesar
Racquel Jacobs-Lawrence, Labour Commissioner
Suriname - Ministry of Labor, Employment Opportunity and Youth Affairs
Steven Mac Andrew
Glenn Piroe, Deputy Director of Legal and international Affairs
Trinidad and Tobago - Ministry of Labour
Stephen Mc Clashie
Natalie Willis, Permanent Secretary
Rosa-Mae Whittier, Director, International Affairs
United States - Department of Labor
Sarah Morgan, Director, Office of International Relations & Economic Research (OIRER)
Uruguay - Ministry of Labor and Social Security
Mario Arizti
Susan Weissel, International Relations Team
Venezuela - Ministry of the People’s Power for the Social Process of Labor