Intersectoral Workshop “Towards a Stronger Coordination between Education and Labor in the Americas"

Professional training and skills certification
Skills recognition between countries
Event date: 
05/04/2023 to 05/05/2023
Vera Peñaloza Hall, National Ministry of Education
Host Country: 

General objective: Increase knowledge and strengthen the capacities of the Ministries of Labor and Education to move towards greater intersectoral coordination, especially around national and regional qualifications frameworks. 


Specific objectives: 

  • Exchange and analyze concrete experiences of collaboration and/or coordination between Ministries of Labor and Education in the region. 
  • Exchange information on the state of progress, the successes, and challenges in the development of national qualifications frameworks in the different countries of the region. 
  • Discuss and explore possible steps to follow to design a regional qualifications framework. 
  • Identify lessons learned and policy recommendations to strengthen the coordination between Ministries of Labor and Ministries of Education and the development of national qualifications frameworks. 



The Organization of American States (OAS) in partnership with the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security and Ministry of Education of Argentina.  

Registration and Participation
Representatives from Governments must send the registration form included in the Descriptive Document to the Technical Secretariat through their Permanent Mission to the OAS. The RIAL/OAS may co-fund some travel expenses (lodging, transportation in Buenos Aires) for some delegates. 


1st Session – Institutional coordination: Concrete experiences of coordination between Ministries of Labor and Education in the region
Guiding Questions for the presentations and dialogue: 

  • What are the main areas and actions of coordination between the Ministries of Education and Labor in your country? We suggest considering actions in the field of teacher training, the link between education and professional training, actions to facilitate the school-to-work transition, among others.   
  • What are the main successes and lessons learned from the actions indicated in the previous question? 
Marina Larrea, National Director for International Cooperation, Ministry of Education of Argentina.
Presentation by Jamaica, Dameon Black, Executive Director of the Tertiary Education Commission; Marcia Rowe-Amonde, Director of Curriculum and Learning for the vocational training agency (HEART TRUST/NSTA); and Roy Taylor, Senior Education Officer for Vocational and Technical Education.
Presentation by Peru, Violeta Leyva, Vice-Minister of Employment Promotion and Labor Training, Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion. 
Presentation by Mexico, Donaciano Domínguez Espinosa, Deputy Director General of the National Employment Service, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare.
Presentation by Suriname, Daniela Rosario, Deputy Director of Education, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, and Naomi Esajas-Friperson, Deputy Director of Labor Market, Ministry of Labor, Employment and Youth Affairs.

2nd Session – The National Qualifications Frameworks as a concrete tool for education-labor coordination  
 Guiding Questions for the presentations and dialogue:

  • At what stage is the development of the qualifications framework in your country?  
  • What aspects favor and what aspects hinder the formulation of a national qualifications framework?  
  • What lessons learned can be synthesized to further advance in national qualifications frameworks?  
Carmen Lemos Ibarra, Director of Skills Standardization and Quality Certification, Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security of Argentina.
Presentation by ILO/CINTERFOR, by Fernando Vargas, Lead Specialist.
Presentation by Chile, Catalina Estévez, Head of the Area of Articulation with the Technical Vocational Training of Chile Valora, Anita Melo Lagos, Professional of the Department of Training of People of SENCE, and Cristian Lincovil, Executive Secretary of Technical Professional Secondary Education, Ministry of Education.
Presentation by Colombia, Judy Caldas, Director of Mobility and Training for Labor, Ministry of Labor and Eliana Mendieta, Deputy Director of Support to Higher Education Institutions of the Ministry of Education.
Presentation by Costa Rica, Juan Ricardo Wong, Executive Director of the National Council for Higher Education (CONASUP), Ministry of Education.
Presentation by the Pacific Alliance, by Igor Dedic, on behalf of the Alliance’s Technical Labor Group.

3rd Session – Activity in subgroups 
Sub-group exercise based on the following guiding questions: 

  • What are the main successes and lessons learned from the actions of coordination between the Ministries of Education and Labor? [Question comes from the 1st Session]  
  • What lessons learned can be synthesized to further advance in national qualifications frameworks? [Question comes from the 2nd Session]  
  • What public policy recommendations can be made to promote and improve the coordination between the Ministries of Labor and Education? What should be the priority areas for such coordination? 
María Claudia Camacho, Chief of the Labor and Employment Section, Department of Human Development, Education and Employment of the OAS.