Labor Relations

The topic of “Labor relations” includes actions related to social organizations, collective bargaining and freedom of association, individual and collective conflict resolution, labor union registration and social dialogue.


Title Resource Topics
Obligatory Labor Conciliation Service (SECLO) Bilateral Cooperation LABOR RELATIONS, Individual and collective conflict resolution
"Social Dialogue with results: The experience of Castilla y Leon, Spain" Workshops LABOR RELATIONS, Social dialogue
13th Call - 2020 Call for Proposal LABOR, Child labor, EMPLOYMENT, Unemployment benefit schemes, LABOR RELATIONS, SOCIAL SECURITY, MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS
Advocates Services Programs LABOR RELATIONS, Individual and collective conflict resolution
Alternative Dispute Resolution in Labor Matters Bilateral Cooperation LABOR RELATIONS, Individual and collective conflict resolution
Collective and Individual Conflict Resolution Bilateral Cooperation LABOR RELATIONS, Individual and collective conflict resolution
Collective Conciliation Programs LABOR RELATIONS, Individual and collective conflict resolution
