
The topic of “Labor” incorporates all actions related to enforcement of labor legislation and to ensuring the effective observance of fundamental principles and rights at work, including the fight against discrimination and the elimination of child and forced labor.  In this context, it also includes actions to address labor conditions, including occupational health and safety, wages, labor informality and non-registered work.


Title Resource Topics
Eradication of Child Labor and the Protection of Adolescent Workers Bilateral Cooperation LABOR, Child labor
Experiences on Youth Employment are Shared on PAHO-OAS Webinar Highlights LABOR, Occupational safety and health, EMPLOYMENT, Youth employment
Formalization of Paid Domestic Work Bilateral Cooperation LABOR, Informality and non-registered work
Freedom of Association, Collective Bargaining and Sustainable Development in a context of Economic Crisis: Preservation of Citizenship Workshops LABOR, Enforcement and awareness of labor legislation, LABOR RELATIONS, Collective bargaining and freedom of association, Social dialogue
Gender equality for decent work: Proposals for mainstreaming gender into labor and employment policies within the framework of the IACML Studies LABOR, Fight against discrimination, Working conditions, EMPLOYMENT, Gender equity
Gender Mainstreaming Workshops LABOR, Fight against discrimination, EMPLOYMENT, Gender equity, Labor inclusion of vulnerable groups, MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS, Structure and operations
Gender-based violence and harassment Bilateral Cooperation LABOR, Occupational safety and health, EMPLOYMENT, Gender equity
