Describe the program's most important achievements and lessons learned:
Within the framework of the reform to the Federal Labor Law, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on May 1, 2019, the Federal Center for Labor Conciliation and Registration was created as an institution in charge of implementing the pre-judicial conciliation procedure.
The CFCRL has 45 state, support and itinerant, offices throughout Mexico, where 145 conciliators provide individual conciliation services.
The Federal Labor Center has achieved that 70% of labor disputes are resolved through conciliation without the need to go to trial, formalizing the signing of 171,200 agreements that cover the amount of $42,033,252,367.57.
Describe the challenges of the program:
Increase the rate of labor disputes resolved through conciliation.
Strengthen the IT system in order to make the procedure more efficient.
Strengthen pre-judicial conciliation by remote means.
Professionalization of conciliatory personnel.