
The topic of “Labor” incorporates all actions related to enforcement of labor legislation and to ensuring the effective observance of fundamental principles and rights at work, including the fight against discrimination and the elimination of child and forced labor.  In this context, it also includes actions to address labor conditions, including occupational health and safety, wages, labor informality and non-registered work.


Title Resource Topics
Third RIAL Workshop on "Occupational Health and Safety" Workshops LABOR, Enforcement and awareness of labor legislation, Working conditions, Occupational safety and health
Toward an Intersectoral Focus on Social Protection in the Americas: Labor, Social Development and Social Security Workshops LABOR, Informality and non-registered work, EMPLOYMENT, Employment policies and programs, SOCIAL SECURITY, Social security programs and policies, Prevention and reduction of social contingencies
Towards Fairer Labor Conditions: Promoting Labor Inclusion with Equity Workshops LABOR, Enforcement and awareness of labor legislation, Fight against discrimination, Working conditions
Training of Labor Inspectors on Identifying Labor Exploitation Bilateral Cooperation LABOR, Child labor, Forced labor
Virtual Meeting of the Authorities of the XXI IACML Highlights LABOR, EMPLOYMENT, LABOR RELATIONS, Social dialogue, SOCIAL SECURITY, MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS
Webinar "Healthy Workplaces: An Opportunity for Tackling Psychosocial Risks" Workshops LABOR, Working conditions, Occupational safety and health
Webinar "Mental Health and Work: Challenges for all in the Americas" Workshops LABOR, Working conditions, Occupational safety and health
