
The topic of “Labor” incorporates all actions related to enforcement of labor legislation and to ensuring the effective observance of fundamental principles and rights at work, including the fight against discrimination and the elimination of child and forced labor.  In this context, it also includes actions to address labor conditions, including occupational health and safety, wages, labor informality and non-registered work.


Title Resource Topics
News Flash #85 - May 2017 Newsletters LABOR, Fight against discrimination, EMPLOYMENT, Professional training and skills certification, Youth employment, SOCIAL SECURITY, Social security programs and policies, MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS, International cooperation
News Flash #87 - June 2017 Newsletters Enforcement and awareness of labor legislation, Child labor, Working conditions, Occupational safety and health, EMPLOYMENT, Professional training and skills certification, Labor migration, Support to micro, small and medium enterprises and other production units, Social dialogue, Coordination with other institutions, International cooperation, Human resources
News Flash #88 - June 2017 Newsletters Enforcement and awareness of labor legislation, Child labor, Working conditions, Occupational safety and health, EMPLOYMENT, Professional training and skills certification, Labor migration, Support to micro, small and medium enterprises and other production units, Social dialogue, Coordination with other institutions, International cooperation, Human resources
News Flash #92 - August 2017 Newsletters LABOR, Working conditions, Occupational safety and health, EMPLOYMENT, Professional training and skills certification, Labor migration, MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS, Coordination with other institutions, International cooperation, Human resources
News Flash #93 - August 2017 Newsletters LABOR, Working conditions, Occupational safety and health, EMPLOYMENT, Professional training and skills certification, Labor inclusion of vulnerable groups, Social organizations, Social dialogue, MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS, Coordination with other institutions, International cooperation
News Flash #95 - September 2017 Newsletters LABOR, Child labor, Working conditions, Occupational safety and health, EMPLOYMENT, Labor migration, Employment strategies focused on the environment
News Flash #96 - October 2017 Newsletters LABOR, Working conditions, Occupational safety and health, Labor inspection, EMPLOYMENT, Gender equity, Labor inclusion of vulnerable groups, MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS, Coordination with other institutions
