The National Network of Employment Opportunities is an effort developed and coordinated by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, MINTRAB, in which a group of public and private interconnected institutions offer employment mediation and labor information services.
The service offered through the NETWORK is characterized as being public, free and equal since it intends to promote and maintain the principles of equality of opportunities for all the population with no discrimination of any type, and is guided toward the collective participation of all social agents who are willing to cooperate with the processes that may be developed.
The Network operates through a group of local employment offices (OLGEs), integrated by public and private institutions. Municipalities, universities, NGOs, private businesses, among others, are interconnected through the MINTRAB.
In order to strengthen the NETWORK’s technology, a Software for Labor Mediation has been implemented since 2006, which contributes significantly to the improvement of services provided by the ministry and the network in general, and strengthens the institutional capacities related to the analysis and research of the labor market.