Chile - Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare


Jeannette Jara Román
Mrs. Jeannette Jara Román took office as Minister of Labor and Social Welfare of the administration of the President of the Republic, Gabriel Boric, on March 11, 2022.
Minister Jara holds an administration deegree from University of Santiago (Usach), and a law degree from the Central University, and is currently a candidate for a master's degree in management and public policy at Usach.
She has also served as Undersecretary of Social Prevention during the second term of President Michelle Bachelet, and has had an outstanding career as a student and social leader.
RIAL Focal point:
Marcelo Nikolai Tapia Valenzuela, Chief, Office of International Affairs
RIAL/GENDER Focal Point:
Karen Mejías, Ministerial Authority on Gender
(+56 2) 27530400 - (+56 2) 27530401
Huérfanos 1273, Santiago
Ministry webpage:
Institutional documents: