Describe the program's most important achievements and lessons learned:
Red Seal Fast Facts
First Red Seal issued in 1959.
Total of 394,070 Red Seals awarded since the program inception.
In excess of 65,000 Red Seals issued in last 5 years.
Total of 234,460 people registered in some form of apprenticeship training in 2002, a 7.8% increase from 2001 and a 40.8% increase from 1996.
Steady increase in Red Seals issued in last 5 years.
Essential Skills profiles have been created for some of the Red Seal trades.
30,839 Red Seal examinations were administered in 2004.
17,893 Red Seals issued in 2004.
Top 5 Red Seal trades in 2004: Construction Electrician / Industrial Mechanic (Millwright) / Automotive Service Technician /Industrial Electrician oWelder
Specify if the program has any internal and external evaluations, if applicable, include key findings: