Describe the program's most important achievements and lessons learned:
• More skilled tradesman in the construction industry. • More collaboration is needed from the private and public sector. • More qualified teachers is needed to teach the various trade subjects. • More staff is needed to monitor apprentices in the various trade areas, especially when they are on the job site. • There is a need for more businesses and industries to participate in on-the-job site training on a construction site. • More funding is essential to purchase much-needed materials and to assist students who do not have the funds to register for classes.
Describe the challenges of the program:
• That there is a need to ensure that contractors are conversant with the terms and conditions of the Apprentice Program. • That there is a need for Trade specific training log for apprentices. • Preparation of apprenticeship documentation, which includes contract, schedules which incorporate trades specific information. • Additional funding for the Apprentice Program.
Specify if the program has any internal and external evaluations, if applicable, include key findings: