Public Employment Service (fase 2)
Requesting country | Providing country |
Ecuador | Argentina |
The Ministry of Labor (MRL) of Ecuador requested the technical assistance of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security (MTEySS) of Argentina in the area of Public Employment Services. Aiming that this assistance would be as relevant as possible, the experts visit was carried out in two phases: the first one, from September 30 to November 2, and the second one, from November 24 to 27 of 2009.
During the first phase, the MRL welcomed the Director of Employment of the MTEySS, who had the opportunity of assessing and evaluating the development state of the placements of this Ministry. This phase was rated by the beneficiaries as “very important’ given that it made possible for the Argentinean expert the identification of the functioning, processes and difficulties of the Ecuadorian system, resulting in a more specified articulation of the technical cooperation needs of Ecuador with the knowledge and successful process in Argentina.
Some of the activities that were carried out during the first phase were: the visit to the headquarters of the MRL, prioritizing the area of Public Employment Service; a meeting where Ecuadorian officers presented the functioning, achieved objectives and needs of this area; and the drafting of a diagnostic report that was later handed to the Federal Service of Employment of Argentina for the upcoming experts visit.
In this vein, the second phase of this cooperation activity was enhanced for facilitating the transmission of experiences of the programs implemented in Argentina and the establishment of proposals regarding the design and operation of the Public Employment Service of the MRL. The success of this second phase was because the two Argentinean experts that visited Ecuador had a detailed agenda on the specific subjects that had to be approached. As a direct result of this, it was made possible that the exchanged information was focused and effective according to the specific needs.
Among the next steps, the following are highlighted: design of a national image for the PES, definition of roles and exclusive duties for each officer of this area, as well as services they will be offering, the drafting of the Local Resources Guide, and the evaluation of its technological platform.
At the end, the MRL considered the importance of replicating gradually the management model of the Employment Offices of Argentina according to its budget and national reality.