Unemployment Insurance Systems
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Mexico | Argentina |
The “Pact for Mexico” signed in December 2012 includes among its objectives the establishment of Unemployment Insurance that covers salaried workers in the formal sector when they lose their employment. With the aim of having better tools to begin the design and later development of this Insurance, a high-level delegation from the Secretariat of Labor and Social Welfare of Mexico, including the Sub-Secretary of Employment and the General Coordinator of the National Employment Service, traveled to Buenos Aires to gain the experience of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security of Argentina in this area. During the visit, the Mexican delegation met with personnel from the Directorate of Employment and visited the Offices of the National Social Security Administration. These meetings allowed for interviews with those operating one of the units for Comprehensive Care and for learning about the operation of the one-stop model, monitoring and control of Unemployment Insurance. Additionally, the delegation took the opportunity to learn about the operation of programs for persons with disabilities, which also operates in a transversal manner, but which trains personnel to attend to a target population, in particular, the deaf population.
The Mexican delegation highlighted in its final report that the General Coordination Office of the National Employment Service in its country is in the design phase of a protocol for the implementation of unemployment insurance, and therefore the best practices learned in this cooperation activity are greatly relevant. It further underscored that this exchange allowed for interviewing key actors that operate the unemployment insurance program and for identifying processes and mechanisms that Argentina follows in operating it.