
The topic of “Employment” incorporates actions directly related to the analysis and functioning of the labor market.  These include professional training and skills certification, employment services and information systems, as well as actions to serve certain populations, such as migrant workers, women, youth and vulnerable groups.  Employment strategies focused on the environment are also included under this topic.


Title Resource Topics
Employment Services – Youth Employment Bilateral Cooperation EMPLOYMENT, Employment services, Youth employment
Enabling Fund for Official Language Minority Communities Programs EMPLOYMENT, Professional training and skills certification, Employment services, Labor migration, Youth employment, Employment policies and programs, MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS, Strategic planning
Enterprise Demography and Employment Dynamics Bilateral Cooperation EMPLOYMENT, Labor market information systems and observatories
Entrepreneurship Development Programs EMPLOYMENT, Support to micro, small and medium enterprises and other production units, Employment policies and programs
Equal Employment Opportunity Program Programs EMPLOYMENT, Employment services, Labor inclusion of vulnerable groups, Employment policies and programs
Eradication of Child Labor and Protection of Teenage Workers Bilateral Cooperation LABOR, Child labor, EMPLOYMENT, Youth employment
Evaluation and Certification of Labor Competencies Bilateral Cooperation EMPLOYMENT, Professional training and skills certification, Employment policies and programs
