The topic of “Employment” incorporates actions directly related to the analysis and functioning of the labor market. These include professional training and skills certification, employment services and information systems, as well as actions to serve certain populations, such as migrant workers, women, youth and vulnerable groups. Employment strategies focused on the environment are also included under this topic.
Title | Resource | Topics |
Support for Job Placement project (PAIL) | Programs | EMPLOYMENT, Employment services |
Telework | Bilateral Cooperation | EMPLOYMENT, Employment policies and programs |
Telework and caregiving co-responsibility for a gender-responsive recovery | Workshops | EMPLOYMENT, Gender equity |
Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) Program | Programs | LABOR, Working conditions, EMPLOYMENT, Labor market information systems and observatories, Labor migration, MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS, International cooperation |
The 13th OAS-RIAL Call for Proposals for Bilateral Cooperation is now OPEN! | Highlights | LABOR, EMPLOYMENT, LABOR RELATIONS, SOCIAL SECURITY, MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS |
The Bahamas Construction Trades Apprentice Program (BCTAP) | Programs | EMPLOYMENT, Professional training and skills certification, Employment policies and programs |
The Coordination between Education and Labor in the Americas: Results of the Inter-Sectoral Workshop on Youth Employment | Studies | LABOR, Working conditions, EMPLOYMENT, Gender equity, Youth employment, LABOR RELATIONS, Social dialogue, MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS, Studies and analysis |