8th Hemispheric Dialogue on Gender among Ministries of Labor: “Towards a safe work environment: Eradicating gender-based violence and harassment at work”

Working conditions
Gender equity
Event date: 
Virtual Event

Support the Ministries of Labor of the Americas in the creation of safe and equitable work environments by strengthening capacities to prevent and eradicate gender-based violence and harassment at work.


This dialogue is organized by the Technical Secretariat of the IACML in the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI) of the OAS, in collaboration with the CIM and the ILO.

Directors and representatives of the gender units or areas of the OAS Ministries of Labor, and officials of said Ministries interested in participating; representatives of workers and employers, grouped in the consultative bodies of the IACML -COSATE and CEATAL-, and international organizations and others interested actors as observers.
Relevant documents: 
PDF icon Base Document323.93 KB
PDF icon List of Participants261.31 KB
Presentation by ILO, Paz Arancibia, Regional Senior Specialist Gender equality and non-discrimination, ILO Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean.
Presentation by CIM/OAS, Eva Villarreal, Specialist of the CIM/MESECVI.
Presentation by Colombia, Magda Yaneth Alberto Cubillos, Office Advisor assigned to coordinate issues for gender equality, Ministry of Labor.